Update GIO283_Gabriella_Lati_HD.mp4
Towards end of download at the very tail end, progress bar never went to 100% but denoted "download complete". Went to play scene (scene is 43:23 long), and scene froze would not progress at 35:06. While I just recently purchased this scene (December 2018), the scene is from 2016.
So I tried another more recent scene:
...released December 2018/purchased December 2018, and downloaded VGA (lowest quality). It downloaded exceptional quick (under 5 minutes), so when it was done I downloaded same scene again in HD, and it also downloaded very quick (again under 5 minutes).
Tried another recent scene:
...this downloaded very quick also (under 5 minutes).
So, I decided to try and download the slow/incomplete scene (GIO283_Gabriella_Lati_HD.mp4) again. It downloaded very quickly and complete (under 5 minutes). Thought great! Maybe they just fixed something.
Decided to try two older scenes (one about a year, the other 5 years old), that I purchased a while ago:
Released Sept. 2013, purchased May 2017
Released Jan 2018, purchased Jan 2018
.....nope still extremely slow:
Fluctuating between 1-3 hours, and not entirely sure when it gets to the end, if it will be a complete scene/download.
I would say maybe has something to do with older scenes? But I do not think that's entirely the case. 2nd try on that older Gabrielle Lati (GIO283_Gabriella_Lati_HD.mp4) download worked no problem. And some of the newest scenes I recently purchased will not stream right even in VGA mode.
Anyway, hope this help, thanks !