I'm not comfortable posting my IP publicly
I was writing you a PM...
but via PM I can't attach pictures so I can't show you the speed test results and the other info you wanted.
My ISP provides me with 20 Megabytes of download and upload.
At the moment I was downloading a video from the LP servers at a average speed of 10 MB per second.
(the download speed was moving between 8-19 MB/s)
Worth mentioning is that I was using Internet Download Manager with just one connection.
(There is a significant chance to having to redo the whole download
when I choose to use more connections, due to corruption errors)
I was using 8 connections for last video I purchased 2 days ago and it was an average speed of 1.5 MB/s
So yeah, it improved.
That 10 MB/s speed I got today is much higher than what I was getting from LP in the previews weeks.
I'm OK with that speed, although I'll keep an eye for this, because of the time of day and week,
could be things that affect how it behaves.
If I don't post more messages here in the next coming weeks I guess it was fixed.