im personally circumcised, circumcision is unnatural, penises are designed by nature to have the natural foreskin
i want my foreskin back
i got circumcised when i was 5-6
i resisted the doctors sometimes btw, once i resisted them and 3 of them did this: they grabbed me and forced me to lay in a bed by force, one grabbed me by the arms, another grabbed me by the legs, and the other examined my penis
and some time afterwards, anesthesia and penis degraded by circumcision
the foreskin too tight must be caused by unnatural ambiental factors, like lack of exploring & underwear, if people would live in equatorial jungles naked they wouldnt have any foreskin being too tight
but also you can STRETCH the foreskin naturally, no need to chop it off
look at those people that stretch their ears and those africans that stretch their lips
you can do the same with your foreskin