thread to post random stuff that is not-porn related
(im not saying people shouldnt create not-porn threads, create whatever u want)
scarletxxx666 wrote:i start
i was drinking water from a distiller
& ive been feeling sick
but i thought i got corona virus
so i was like "i FeEl So BaD FoR ThE CoRoNa ViRuSu"
but it was the distiller
so ive been feeling sick for 3 months drinking that & thinking it was corona
also i find hard to believe condensated water from vapor made me so sick (aka distilled water)
i think is maybe because of the filter it has at the end
cuz it has a black carbon filter at the tip
wtf dude, distilled water DOESNT NEED TO BE FILTERED
is just concentrated vapor
wtf is this hoax
what is this black stuff ive been drinking from
i made photo, wtf is that seriously
they put that shit there, i think maybe i was so sick for that filter stuf ????
cuz i find hard to believe distilled water makes u sick like that
wtf is that black stuff dude
this world is hopeless
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