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Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2024 3:49 pm
by isis666xxx
im personally not a fan of pierre woodman but i like his sadistic stuff

i mean i dont care about him i dont like him or dislike him

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2024 3:18 pm
by isis666xxx
panorama return plz

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2024 8:01 am
by kolbino
This guy is still alive? How come?

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2024 10:02 pm
by Anselm_Weinberg
More like undead...

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2024 11:56 pm
by BlueShadow

Ooh, he can say it strong and clear, the same goes for him, and who believes everything he says :D

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2024 12:03 am
by BlueShadow

Hi Spiderdog, how are you my love, you doing well? LOL

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2024 1:05 am
by BlueShadow ... interview/

There are those who distance themselves and those who blame the victim and say the victim is Dennis Burka...

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2024 6:36 am
by BlueShadow

LOL always liked the satire.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2024 6:31 am
by Anselm_Weinberg
BlueShadow wrote:Image

Ooh, he can say it strong and clear, the same goes for him, and who believes everything he says :D

It's crazy that gullible Orban and Putin dicksuckers and conspiracy nuts like Woodman and MVitaly, the ones devoid of any critical thinking skills themselves, are usually the first to go around calling everyone sheep.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:17 am
by BlueShadow
LOL people never changes, first he says bullshit on his forum then later he plays the victim!
And he goes on...

How do he think she should feel after reading these words??

It doesn't seem to me that he is endorsing Trixxie Fox or the other girls, much less being neutral as he say.
It is always a pleasure when PW shows who he really is, there is no need to even make an effort, he does it all himself.
So he can say that people should wait for the ''appeal'' before talk, but he is the one who talks first and he seems to have already decided that in fact Burkas is innocent and he is victims of the girls (including Trixxie Fox).
I wipe my ass with his morals and double standards.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:21 am
by BlueShadow
Here PW talking (not in a neutral way for sure) even before the conviction verdict in April, but now we have to wait for the 'appeal'. We should be neutral LOL

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:24 am
by BlueShadow
please PW, teach us morality and justice.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:41 am
by BlueShadow
Then he may rant the usual things about "HATERS", but this is something that his members also think.

I am surprised that these comments have not already been deleted. (Actually does not seriously support ''this idiot Dennis", but unconsciously himself, he can sees himself more in Burkas than the victims, narcissists, paranoid equal.)

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2024 10:58 pm
by BlueShadow
Bwahah, yes PW... keep reading this thread, the best fan.
(then he said I was Lara Malvo's boyfriend, now I'm Tommie, tomorrow I'll be Santa Claus :D I just laugh for all the bullshit he says).
And anyway no need to convince anyone about the sleazy character that PW is, just posting the crap he says himself is enough.
The nice thing is that now everyone sees it the double standard he has, even those who write on his forum now, just read the Trixxie Fox thread. It's so funny to see that...
Or did he seriously think that continuing to defend an abuser by also saying that he is actually the VICTIM of a trap by Trixxie Fox and the other girls was a good thing for his image? Do he seriously think that the person concerned (Trixxie Fox, a person he considers ''''''friend''''' where he shows no support whatsoever for her) reading those words that HE HIMSELF said should have a positive reaction?
In his wormy brain he always thinks he'll come out good... but every time he digs his own grave for what he say, he's just lucky that there are idiots who still give him some credit LOL
He says this is a ''thread of hate'', but there are people on his forum who say exactly what I say about this matter... so now he has the ''thread of hate'' on his own forum it seems. :D
And then he puts so much effort into these things--he must have a lot of time on his hands, no edits to do (I bet there are still some members who have been waiting for scenes for 7 years :D ) ? No new girls to '''''launch'''' in porn? Well, they used to send him even 10 girls a day now if he has one in a month it's a miracle, I see...

He continues to be delusional :D :D :D

we remember how he tried to stay neutral in the story:

No, he is busy defending a multi-condemned abuser. :D

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2024 11:20 pm
by BlueShadow
I wonder if Burkas wife also had the other case files sent to PW, all of the case are dubious I guess, even the INTERNATIONAL ARREST warrant.

Great career I must say :D -- as PW would say-- a really good guy. :D :D

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2024 11:45 pm
by BlueShadow

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 12:14 am
by BlueShadow

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 12:30 am
by BlueShadow
Maybe someday he will even say what was really ''behind the curtains'' of that fake OF and scam agency (Evrymodel) between him (the CEO... LOL :D ) even Trixxie Fox (who was supposed to be the agency manager) that Joyce lady and Dennis Burkas... (in the video above). Certainly his involvement in that stuff is odd at least.
Shady as usual I must say.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 12:57 am
by BlueShadow

So she states that Dennis Burkas just wanted to HELP these girls for FREE without wanting anything in return from either PW or the girls, he sent them to PW for FREE, not even a fee, a '''gift'' (and still even if there was a transaction, I guess it's not traceable...they are not stupid, huh?) nothing... where the only one making money in the end was PW from these girls with his website (in the end is true that Dennis Burkas was the VICTIM here!! LOL He made other people make money and he received nothing, thats what his wife said... :D ). I see...hmm hmm... incredible, what a heart of gold this Dennis Burkas is. You can tell right away by reading the past convictions, it is beyond reasonable doubt to think that Dennis got or expected something in return.
Porn: the fairytales world :D

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 2:36 am
by BlueShadow

Bwahahah, he's so scared, but no need to worry! There will always be idiots who will trust him and believe everything he says.
In PW we trust:

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 11:14 pm
by BlueShadow
Meanwhile, Trump was convicted on 34 charges.
Maybe he also wants to defend him by saying that we have to wait for the appeal and that there was no evidence in the trial.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 3:07 am
by BlueShadow
LOL I knew he would cry about this too. :D
The little baby is crying. Women have the powerrrr, deal with it :D :D The little baby can't help it, even though he sees himself as Superman as evidenced by that silly picture he has on his forum that fully defines him.

And yet so for him there is no evidence... what the fuck does ''just with words'' mean? That $130,000 was passed off as a legal fee, which it wasn't, for him when they convict a man who loses to a woman there is never any evidence, it's just words. LOL
And still that is only 1 of the 34 counts for which he was found guilty. But... those are just words, LOL LOL LOL

Did he sometimes visit his friend Dennis Burkas in PRISON? While paying some girls to feel superior, hopefully he find the time. Don't leave friends alone, be a good man.



Breaking the girls' will no longer work? How this make him (the Superman :D ) feel? Next time offer more money!! Thats his only power. :rolleyes:

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:03 am
by BlueShadow

Well, defending a multiple convict and blaming the victim instead of focusing on updates was not a good move, surprising, huh?

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:52 pm
by bubbasaurs
I feel sad for this old man, and that is why I never comment in this thread, but this last post just shows his situation with plain and clear numbers (and numbers never lie).

His website, he created basically to work as a "cult" to himself, is falling to pieces, because his business model does not work anymore (like always the same thing: get an average girl that needs some quick low amount of cash, take her to some two stars hotel, do some gonzo fucking with his elderly pornstar crew, showing his ugly old man belly and using the same French swear words we hear in porn since the 1970s "salope", "putain", or other BS from a long ago failed empire and former world power that are just pathetic and a joke now as anything French - European Africa, visit Paris if you think I am exaggerating - these days...)

So, he keeps talking to himself on that forum, using his many fake users to try to create arguments with himself, so he can curse the rest of the world, and especially "the circus" as he says (which has a business model THAT WORKS), and blame the rest of the world for his failures and decadence (again, sounds like France).

Problem is, he cannot understand that the world has changed since the 1990s. We entered the final Late Stage of Capitalism. Capitalism is a unmerciful social and economic system. It is pure darwinistic. It is not about your feelings, your beliefs, your "imaginary friends" (like "gods"), what you think, what you love, "art", opinions or anything, it is based ONLY in your ability to sell yourself or your products and to accumulate capital. So, if you have a failed business model you WILL NOT accumulate capital, and then Late Stage Capitalism will eliminate you (Darwinism, survival of the fittest/most apt).

That is what is happening with PW, pure and simple. Late Stage Capitalism is killing him. And does not matter how much he thinks he is a "winner", how much he hates the business models that are winning in porn today (Tubes and the platform-model like PH, Pornbox, OF and so forth), or how much he keeps cursing and displaying his feelings publicly (my old dad in the US always told me that a real man does not have feelings or at least does not display those feelings publicly).

He is an old man that still has to work for a living (what in the Late State Capitalism shows the world you "lost the race", because "winners" in the LSC have retired around the 40s, by the 50s, the latest). And he is sitting on a pile of pure gold (the old, never seen, porn he has from the 1990s and 2000s. That unrealeased gonzo footage could make him really rich). The thing he should do is to look for some good lawyers and try to get the releases he is missing for that old porn, and then sell that stack to some of the leading platforms so they can release it. He would make some big quick bucks with the upfront money, and still keep a steady stream of money with the royalties. Instead of having to spend his dwindling resources trying to pay 2 stars hotels/AirBnBs to record his bad movies with some Latin American, Eastern European and Spaniard girls that look like they were just dumped from a human traffic container.

Our world (at least the Western part of it) is ending. There is no real future for any of us, and much less for our future generations. So, it does not make sense to keep fighting "windmills" made of "imaginary enemies" when the problem is your outdated business model and you have something you can sell, make big bucks and then ride into the sunset with bags of gold to enjoy your last days in this Earth before all goes kaboom.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:39 am
by isis666xxx
bubbasaurs wrote:He is an old man that still has to work for a living

i like ur messages in other threads

but according to some websites pierre woodman has a networth of 10.000.000 dollarz

hes a millionare

someone with 10 million doesnt need to work

he works for either fun or greed or both

my uncle for example made a hotel when he was 84, and he woke up to work in his hotel at 6am
and he has a networth of a few million euros
hes rich and he woke at 6am to work in his hotel
so weird

he should be in the caribbean having fun in the beach but he woke up at 6am to work in his hotel at 84 years old, so weird

also pierre woodman's job is FUN, his job consist in fucking hot girls XD

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:42 am
by isis666xxx
isis666xxx wrote:but according to some websites pierre woodman has a networth of 10.000.000 dollarz

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:13 am
by BlueShadow
bubbasaurs wrote:
So, it does not make sense to keep fighting "windmills" made of "imaginary enemies" when the problem is your outdated business model and you have something you can sell, make big bucks and then ride into the sunset with bags of gold to enjoy your last days in this Earth before all goes kaboom.

But instead of posting stuff that is clearly requested by his members he keeps talking about, precisely, the usual “imaginary enemies”...
That's what doesn't make sense, what is the meaning that she worked with AV? Like if he never booked all those models who had already done EVERYTHING, there is a long list LOL :D Cleary they don't care.
Even Dolly Dyson has done pretty much everything with everyone, piss, anal, fisting, DP etc. and yet he posted that scene. Like all the majority of the other models that he post. :D instead of thinking that there are still members who ask he always think about the ''circus.'' - "After all she did with the circus waahh waah..." baby is crying... LOL This make no sense at all.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:15 am
by isis666xxx
btw im not a fan of pierre woodman, but lets be real, hes gangsta, rich & high

i personally tend to praise others & asslick them

i think Giorgio Grandi is a superior director than him though

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:52 am
by BlueShadow
In truth he then said, in order:
this month.

Then this (2023) spring.

But needless to say how it turned out- summer 2024 and they saw nothing :D


the strategy is always the same -- he keeps saying coming SOON for everything, then as he goes along he says theoretical dates for keep on the hook the members.

LOL! Nice one.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:45 am
by ValenciaCF
BlueShadow wrote:Image
In truth he then said, in order:
this month.

Then this (2023) spring.

But needless to say how it turned out- summer 2024 and they saw nothing :D


the strategy is always the same -- he keeps saying coming SOON for everything, then as he goes along he says theoretical dates for keep on the hook the members.

LOL! Nice one.

His members have already figured him out. Woody claims that he makes them happy because he has more time to edit scenes which is a load of bullshit and when confronted by his own followers, he loses it! He strings them along like puppets.

Also the Milena Ray thread has exploded over the last couple of weeks with some serious juice on Woody's bullshit operations, and I'm surprised that Spielberg hasn't been booted off already calling him out on his sneaky dealings with models and his delusions.

On top of that Woody is a loose cannon and blames everyone else but himself for his problems. Constantly crying on X about how Tommie Mcdonald is ruining his life. All he does is complain like a nagging bitch.

Why he pretends that he is mentally indestructible when everyone sees everyday how emotionally broken he has become.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:37 pm
by kolbino
isis666xxx wrote:btw im not a fan of pierre woodman, but lets be real, hes gangsta, rich & high

i personally tend to praise others & asslick them

i think Giorgio Grandi is a superior director than him though

Lol, he is a piece of shit. He would cry like little girl if he would face a real gangster.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:29 am
by Anselm_Weinberg
Well, Woodman's Belgian rapist friend is a self-proclaimed gangster. Maybe that's the kind he meant :rolleyes:

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:49 am
by isis666xxx
kolbino wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:btw im not a fan of pierre woodman, but lets be real, hes gangsta, rich & high

i personally tend to praise others & asslick them

i think Giorgio Grandi is a superior director than him though

Lol, he is a piece of shit. He would cry like little girl if he would face a real gangster.


i didnt really meant hes a gangster

i mean hes cool & badass

if i remember pauly d called some things 'gangsta' or something in jershey shore

sadistic & badass & fucking thousands of women & rich & famous/infamous = 'gangsta'

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:52 am
by isis666xxx
isis666xxx wrote:i mean hes [...] badass


Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:06 am
by isis666xxx
isis666xxx wrote:
kolbino wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:btw im not a fan of pierre woodman, but lets be real, hes gangsta, rich & high

i personally tend to praise others & asslick them

i think Giorgio Grandi is a superior director than him though

Lol, he is a piece of shit. He would cry like little girl if he would face a real gangster.


i didnt really meant hes a gangster

i mean hes cool & badass

if i remember pauly d called some things 'gangsta' or something in jershey shore

sadistic & badass & fucking thousands of women & rich & famous/infamous = 'gangsta'

sorry for the triple post i dont wanna spam

but i was just seeing a dialog in which harley quinn calls cool behaviour 'gangster'

cool badass = 'gangsta'

i didnt meant hes a real gangster

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:39 am
by kolbino
isis666xxx wrote:
kolbino wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:btw im not a fan of pierre woodman, but lets be real, hes gangsta, rich & high

i personally tend to praise others & asslick them

i think Giorgio Grandi is a superior director than him though

Lol, he is a piece of shit. He would cry like little girl if he would face a real gangster.


i didnt really meant hes a gangster

i mean hes cool & badass

if i remember pauly d called some things 'gangsta' or something in jershey shore

sadistic & badass & fucking thousands of women & rich & famous/infamous = 'gangsta'

Lol, he is more like Morrie from Goodfellas, annoying prick.
Who knows, maybe he will end up in the same way.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:48 am
by isis666xxx
kolbino wrote:Lol, he is more like Morrie from Goodfellas, annoying prick.
Who knows, maybe he will end up in the same way.


is this the scene you are talking about???

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:48 am
by kolbino
isis666xxx wrote:lol

is this the scene you are talking about???

That is exactly the scene I am talking about.

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:40 pm
by ValenciaCF
Bwahaha...nearly 1 year he wanted to cast this girl. But she already got gangbanged before. What a clown lolololol

Re: Pierre Woodman: "I am a bastard and break the will of girls"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:26 am
by ValenciaCF
BlueShadow wrote:Image
Maybe someday he will even say what was really ''behind the curtains'' of that fake OF and scam agency (Evrymodel) between him (the CEO... LOL :D ) even Trixxie Fox (who was supposed to be the agency manager) that Joyce lady and Dennis Burkas... (in the video above). Certainly his involvement in that stuff is odd at least.
Shady as usual I must say.

More like it was his pimp agency. He was the head of it and he got Burkas to send him these girls even Slutyen Skaya. But then he go on his forum to tell that sges a lesbian girl who want first time anal with a man with him :D I just laugh everytime I hear his mans insane bullshit.
When the news started coming out about Burkas, quickly they shut down this agency because people were talking about Woody being pimped girls by Burkas. Then he go on his forum again making fake profiles like the Helena Catoir - wife of Dennis :)
He must be think we are so naive to not think that it was him posting all that rubbish. Even writing that 'Pierre was not an associate, just a friend'. Lololololol whoekse will write such a thing and try so hard to make people think he was not connected. He was clearly nervous.
This sentemce itself gave it away. While her husband is in jail, she's spending her time defending Woody :D
Its clear from this he was trying to persuade people to believe he had no involvement in it. Even Trixxxie said that Woody was involved!

Now he is supposed to meet Chloe Armour and he says how they are such good girls who don't want money frim him but it's already plastered on his forum by another user how Chloe only fucks Rich men bwahahahaha