Mister Ananas wrote:The Louis C.K. thing came up because we got on the subject of comedians. I thought that by bringing up Louis C.K., who is actually my favorite comedian, we could bring things back on track with the discussion about political correctness. I have no particular interest in rallying support for Louis C.K. specifically. I was just trying to make a point about cancel culture and how it has poisoned our society. He’s a high-profile case, and you’re correct that he is wealthy and will probably be fine. (He’s already doing stand-up again, and while I doubt he’ll be featured on Netflix again any time soon, at the end of the day he’s still selling out theaters.) However, this sort of thing happens to plenty of other people who are not so high-profile or wealthy, and it is thanks to cancel culture. Political correctness run amok.
Iddaoeeok wrote:Your perspective is still completely skewed, is cancel culture really poisoning your society?
Now, I don't know about your society, but I can assure you there are far far worse, far more genuinely poisonous, things going on in the society I live!
Not only that, I don't know a single real person who has been cancelled or whose life has been actually been affected by so-called cancel culture or who even knows of someone who has been cancelled.
The whole thing stinks of a contrivance to keep a certain demographic in a state of perpetual outrage about other people and how they live their lives.
Mister Ananas wrote:The existence of worse things does not negate the existence of this thing.
netzerkaiser wrote:scarletxxx666 wrote:sorry thats too complex for me i didnt understood that sentence
(i) Conservative in being humble enough to learn from collective historical wisdom & appreciating what needs to be conserved, (ii)though that does not mean trampling upon weakest in society..
Sorry. (i) I meant 'progressives' etc are too quick to want to change things about society - too arrogant & actually not very bright because I think they imagine country folk walking around with mobile phones etc 200 years ago. (ii) Definitely some things need changing, & have changed for better, such as social safety nets, at least in western europe.
Mister Ananas wrote:101mike101 wrote:netzerkaiser wrote:Open forum, what do you think?
I post colours to mast, I think its gone crazy, I'm conservative working class if that makes sense...
Conservative in being humble enough to learn from collective historical wisdom & appreciating what needs to be conserved, though that does not mean trampling upon weakest in society..
For me, anything political is the same as unethical. Because the essence of politics is making yourself and your side look good and your opponents look bad, regardless of who is right and wrong.
It has nothing to do with being fair or good. It's all about winning in any way you can. Which makes politics fundamentally unjust as a method for doing things and for achieving goals.
At its extreme, politics leads to war, civil war, or a war with external enemies. Which is another reason why politics is an unethical way of doing things.
It’s the only way of doing things. Politics don’t exist just for the hell of it. They exist because they provide the most effective means of motivating people to maintain their own societies. You cannot dismiss the fundamental challenges that human nature presents here, which often render any dreams of altruistic cooperation impossible. Altruism may work at the level of a family or a clan, but it doesn’t scale. Altruism cannot drive complex societies because men are greedy. They want to be rewarded personally for their individual achievements. The successful realization of a shared collectivist goal is simply not enough; talented people want their own piece of the pie and their own “special” stake in its success. They want rewards in proportion to the amount of effort they put into something, and they don’t want people who did not match their output to receive the rewards that they do.
It is often said that communism only works on paper and quickly devolves into tyranny when put into practice, and this is true, but it’s important to understand that the reason it is true is thanks to basic human nature.
Mister Ananas wrote:Yeah, but animals don’t have anything like a political infrastructure, as we do.
What I’m saying is that human nature is exactly what it purports to be; it is our nature. It cannot be overcome. We are governed by it thanks to biological processes that evolved over thousands of years to give us the drive and self-preservationist instinct which have made us the apex species on the planet. Every attempt to improve upon humanity, or to make people “better” in some way, always results in horrific tragedy. (See: Eugenics, the Holocaust, etc.)
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