What will you do if you were a billionaire?

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Titus10 » Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:22 pm

live on a beach, spend all day swimming, eating and reading, Id also try and help people while Im living my extremely sedentary life.


Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Titus10 » Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:36 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:After getting my obligatory mansion, fancy car, personal chef, etc., my honest-to-God answer is that I would dedicate my life to shooting the best porn I possibly could.

What is in your opinion the best porn? Why couldn't it be done before by yourself or others? do you have any examples (preferably in LP) of the best porn?

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby TomHardick » Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:23 am

I i was a billionaire?, i would buy Manchester United, hahaha. Jokes aside, if i was rich enough... honestly, i don't give a damn about mansions and luxury cars. I would probably buy my favorite guitars and amps, getting a nice collection. My brain tells me to start my own engineering company, but fuck it, speaking from heart, my 2 biggest dreams are, beercrafting, and being at least for a year, a porn producer; i would happily move to Prague and start my own studio, producing my favorite porn, with my favorite models, without thinking a bit about the sales, just for a year or 2. Then, i'd marry a pornstar, lol, and move to a quite place, maybe to the countryside, starting a family, and dying from so much happiness. Dreaming is free, guys. Cheers!

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby bustylady » Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:49 am

That's everyone's dream, to have a nice life... :)

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Starrio » Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:17 pm

I would use it on women. I'm not rich and that's already what I do, so I don't see why would that change if I become billionaire, I will still be the same guy.

I probably will be very low key about it, so they never know I'm super rich, just comfortable. That way I can stay out of trouble.

Most of the money would probably be spend in taking vacations with women all over the world to have entire weeks of sex in cool hotels, cool resorts, cool cruises, etc..

Also I would likely avoid marriage altogether because that would be a sentence to lose at least half of it.

Obviously I will help family and friends, and will do charity from time to time, but without telling anyone about it, or revealing my identity.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby ProjectX85 » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:59 am

I would buy whole Legalporno to pump all Legalporno sluts in the BTS


Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby analwithyourgirl » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:26 pm

As a billionaire I would never pee in a toilet again- just into my private piss-slut. I would probably buy my own private island of perversion making it a non stop hardcore fuckfest place with 24/7 orgies for beautiful girls. I’d buy my own live sex dolls of many kinds, like bimbos and alternative girls, super models and big ass latinas. I’d hang out with escorting pornstars around the world, travel and just chill by my pool while getting blowjob or rimjob (depending on which side laying). Definately help financialy porn studios, not only the spicy ones like Gonzo or GG. Try new fetishes from all around the world, eat some delicious ice creams from gaped buttholes, maybe try to get celebrities into porn. Who knows...


Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby analwithyourgirl » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:27 pm

The list is long and maybe not so appropriate for porn forum :D

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby shenmue » Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:13 am

Travel to all the places i have always wanted to go, all the sporting events and great arenas. i would start a porn company or just invest money into the business to improve it, and make scenes i enjoy plus i would like the performers and staff to get paid better.

Give some to charities and my family, making sure we don't have to stress about money anymore, most importantly i would hope to be happy and that the money didn't change me, that i wouldn't do something stupid, reckless or downright criminal with it, you are bound to get offers from bad people if you have the money.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby zetabang » Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:56 am

Split in 4 same parts.

#1. Hold in the bank (so several bank accounts in diffrent currencies in amounts up to guarantee fund)
#2. Invest in own buildings, flats, houses - all for rent.
#3. Start foundation what will support old people and control all retirement homes for violence, stealing and illegal activities of employees.
#4. Spend on all possible crap what will made me happy (new place to live, books, games, travels, party, cars etc atc).


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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby drevokocur66 » Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:33 pm

If I would open any charity, it would be a dog rescue.
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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby 101mike101 » Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:51 am

People, who win a big lottery, often don't stay rich for long. Because they start spending money like crazy and perhaps giving it away to some charities, relatives, and friends. And before they know it, they are poor again.

And people who either make their money in business or inherit it from their family are usually scrooges enough to preserve their wealth. They might give a very small percentage of their wealth to charities for PR purposes. But they make sure that they stay wealthy and perhaps even increase their wealth.

You can't stay wealthy for long, if your spending exceeds your income and you give away money to others. Because no matter how wealthy you are, you can spend the money so quickly that it doesn't last for long.

Some studies have shown that having more money makes people more happy up to a point where all of their needs and wants are fulfilled. But after that, having more money doesn't make you more happy, and it might even make you unhappy. Because you end up worrying about the extra money and what to do with it, instead of enjoying your life.

Benjamin Franklin once said that when you fulfill half of your wishes, then you double your trouble. And good example of that might be Bill Gates. He is getting divorced now, and he is hiding out somewhere away from the public. There are all kinds of stories about him circulating in the media now. Some people say that he pursued hot women in his Microsoft company and outside too. And he got to bang a lot of hot women. But his pleasure and happiness was only temporary. And now he probably isn't so happy, despite still being rich.

Money is power and opportunity to do things and fulfill your wishes. But not everything you desire to do is good for you in the long term. Quite often things that are pleasant and good in the short-term are the things that hurt you in the long term and make your life less than pleasant.

So, banging a lot of hot women might be the thing to do in the short-term, when you are a billionaire. But you will need either to stay single and lonely in terms of companionship, or else get into all kinds of relationship troubles as a result of you cheating on your main partner. Either way, you aren't going to be entirely happy. And it's like this with many other choices, when you are rich. That's why rich people aren't necessarily happy people.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:34 pm

101mike101 wrote:Money is power and opportunity to do things and fulfill your wishes. But not everything you desire to do is good for you in the long term. Quite often things that are pleasant and good in the short-term are the things that hurt you in the long term and make your life less than pleasant.

That is partially true, however money can also turn you into a slave to your own wealth. There’s a lot of stuff which comes along with having money that people don’t ever think about, like security, public relations, concerns about accountability, and other stuff. It also does not have as much power as it may appear to have (at least to the uninitiated). There’s only so much you can do with your wealth before you begin rubbing shoulders with other wealthy people, or worse, with governments. Those people may not approve of the way you are using your wealth, and if they want to stop you, then God help you.

Money is the fuel for choices, nothing more or less than that, and there are many choices available to men which come along with incredible burden and responsibility.

Anyway, you are 100% correct that money cannot buy happiness. In fact, nothing can. Happiness is not a commodity. Once your basic needs have been met, there is very little that money can do to address your state of mind. it is up to you to make good choices, build a life for yourself, and create your own happiness.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby netzerkaiser » Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:01 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:
101mike101 wrote:Money is power and opportunity to do things and fulfill your wishes. But not everything you desire to do is good for you in the long term. Quite often things that are pleasant and good in the short-term are the things that hurt you in the long term and make your life less than pleasant.

That is partially true, however money can also turn you into a slave to your own wealth. There’s a lot of stuff which comes along with having money that people don’t ever think about, like security, public relations, concerns about accountability, and other stuff. It also does not have as much power as it may appear to have (at least to the uninitiated). There’s only so much you can do with your wealth before you begin rubbing shoulders with other wealthy people, or worse, with governments. Those people may not approve of the way you are using your wealth, and if they want to stop you, then God help you.

Money is the fuel for choices, nothing more or less than that, and there are many choices available to men which come along with incredible burden and responsibility.

Anyway, you are 100% correct that money cannot buy happiness. In fact, nothing can. Happiness is not a commodity. Once your basic needs have been met, there is very little that money can do to address your state of mind. it is up to you to make good choices, build a life for yourself, and create your own happiness.

Two great posts, I love in particular the line, "money is fuel for choices".

Much of the key to happiness, I've said before, is how closely your idealised image of how you come across ties in with how you really feel you come across. I only became happy with how I looked as a man in my late 20's / early 30's, & I've been contented ever since. But in late teens | early 20's I was scrawny, boyish in gawky way (in photographs if not flesh), & looking back I envy how some guys look great from teens onwards. Because those are the years you build blocks, jobwise, socially etc for rest of your life. Still, I've done alright. And in some perverse trick of nature, most guys who looked great at 18-25 are red faced fat old men by time they're 40, saddled with responsibility of bringing often ungrateful kids through college.

Its a genuinely difficult thing to assess, is your life, because we seem to block out unwelcome facts in our personal myths of how it all happened, until these things can't hurt us any more.

I hope I'm making sense.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby 101mike101 » Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:44 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:Anyway, you are 100% correct that money cannot buy happiness. In fact, nothing can. Happiness is not a commodity. Once your basic needs have been met, there is very little that money can do to address your state of mind. it is up to you to make good choices, build a life for yourself, and create your own happiness.

Happiness is an internal feeling that you can have only when everything is right in your life. So, of course you can't buy happiness directly.

But money is something you need to go to various places and to do various things and have plenty of time for it too. When you have no money, then you are very limited and restricted in what you can do. And this is the same as not being free. It's like being a slave of your circumstances, without anybody actually enslaving you.

So, lack of money can make you profoundly unhappy due to the lack of freedom and opportunity and choices associated with that. And that's why I wouldn't dismiss money as being unimportant for happiness. Money is very important for happiness but only up to a point, where you have enough money to do the things that you want.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby nelson_sanchez » Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:57 pm

why would i want to be a billionear, life is only 42,000 days or so.
i only want to be happy and have the minimun nesecities of a second class family. a car a house clothes, food and little money to spend and give away. and live happy the rest of my days.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:23 pm

nelson_sanchez wrote:why would i want to be a billionear, life is only 42,000 days or so.
i only want to be happy and have the minimun nesecities of a second class family. a car a house clothes, food and little money to spend and give away. and live happy the rest of my days.

You plan to live to 115?

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:34 pm

101mike101 wrote:
Mister Ananas wrote:Anyway, you are 100% correct that money cannot buy happiness. In fact, nothing can. Happiness is not a commodity. Once your basic needs have been met, there is very little that money can do to address your state of mind. it is up to you to make good choices, build a life for yourself, and create your own happiness.

Happiness is an internal feeling that you can have only when everything is right in your life. So, of course you can't buy happiness directly.

But money is something you need to go to various places and to do various things and have plenty of time for it too. When you have no money, then you are very limited and restricted in what you can do. And this is the same as not being free. It's like being a slave of your circumstances, without anybody actually enslaving you.

So, lack of money can make you profoundly unhappy due to the lack of freedom and opportunity and choices associated with that. And that's why I wouldn't dismiss money as being unimportant for happiness. Money is very important for happiness but only up to a point, where you have enough money to do the things that you want.

Your definition of happiness renders it unattainable to you. Your life will never be 100% right. There are things entirely outside of your control no matter how wealthy you become. The key is to learn how to find peace and achieve self-actualization within the limitations of your circumstances. None of us are free. Freedom is an illusion.

With respect to attaining happiness, money is useful only insofar as it satisfies your basic needs… although technically speaking, it is not the only tool with that power available to you. You could always go primal. Not many people would choose to do that, but it is entirely possible to live that way if it’s what you want.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby 2017sucks » Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:11 am

Would buy and shutdown all the boring, softcore porn studios on Earth. That's around 99% of all. Would start like a Great Reset of porn... giving some money to as much as possible of people from industry, who are in just and only for money and doesn't like their job. Money to invest in some other business, away from porn, with some contracts, to get my investments back.

And when get back money, again would invest, this time in young enthusiastic producers, who adore porn and ready to make epic, hardcore stuff.
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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby 101mike101 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:51 am

Mister Ananas wrote:
101mike101 wrote:
Mister Ananas wrote:Anyway, you are 100% correct that money cannot buy happiness. In fact, nothing can. Happiness is not a commodity. Once your basic needs have been met, there is very little that money can do to address your state of mind. it is up to you to make good choices, build a life for yourself, and create your own happiness.

Happiness is an internal feeling that you can have only when everything is right in your life. So, of course you can't buy happiness directly.

But money is something you need to go to various places and to do various things and have plenty of time for it too. When you have no money, then you are very limited and restricted in what you can do. And this is the same as not being free. It's like being a slave of your circumstances, without anybody actually enslaving you.

So, lack of money can make you profoundly unhappy due to the lack of freedom and opportunity and choices associated with that. And that's why I wouldn't dismiss money as being unimportant for happiness. Money is very important for happiness but only up to a point, where you have enough money to do the things that you want.

Your definition of happiness renders it unattainable to you. Your life will never be 100% right. There are things entirely outside of your control no matter how wealthy you become. The key is to learn how to find peace and achieve self-actualization within the limitations of your circumstances. None of us are free. Freedom is an illusion.

With respect to attaining happiness, money is useful only insofar as it satisfies your basic needs… although technically speaking, it is not the only tool with that power available to you. You could always go primal. Not many people would choose to do that, but it is entirely possible to live that way if it’s what you want.

Both happiness and freedom is a matter of degree. You can never be 100% happy and free. But getting it to 90% or 95% is a lot better than staying at 30% or 25%. Because at 30% or 25%, you are mostly unhappy and mostly not free, while in the first case you are practically happy and free.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby nelson_sanchez » Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:55 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:
nelson_sanchez wrote:why would i want to be a billionear, life is only 42,000 days or so.
i only want to be happy and have the minimun nesecities of a second class family. a car a house clothes, food and little money to spend and give away. and live happy the rest of my days.

You plan to live to 115?

only GOD knows, but 42,000 days is nothing in the ayes of our maker, and if you'r money free there are more provavilities.... now you know the real provavilities of winning the lottery.
40,000 days against 292,201,338 combinations.......don't spend all your money into it.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby gerrymarta » Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:46 pm

Two chicks at the same time, man

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:57 pm

Office Space is a good movie, but you don’t need any amount of money to make that happen.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby davebowman » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:58 pm

I'd buy a mansion with a nice, big, empty swimming pool. I'd hire the entire platoon of LP sluts to line up around the side, and fill the pool up with piss.
Then I'd grab a snorkel and finally learn how to swim. :cool:

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Vastese9 » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:06 pm

I would try a way to let people who need to work and give them money, Only who need and is a good person, then I will buy an house with a small garden to let grow a three, and if I am lucky Organized trip around the world.
And fuck a lot of pornstar :)

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby bustylady » Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:01 pm

101mike101 wrote:People, who win a big lottery, often don't stay rich for long. Because they start spending money like crazy and perhaps giving it away to some charities, relatives, and friends. And before they know it, they are poor again.

And people who either make their money in business or inherit it from their family are usually scrooges enough to preserve their wealth. They might give a very small percentage of their wealth to charities for PR purposes. But they make sure that they stay wealthy and perhaps even increase their wealth.

You can't stay wealthy for long, if your spending exceeds your income and you give away money to others. Because no matter how wealthy you are, you can spend the money so quickly that it doesn't last for long.

Some studies have shown that having more money makes people more happy up to a point where all of their needs and wants are fulfilled. But after that, having more money doesn't make you more happy, and it might even make you unhappy. Because you end up worrying about the extra money and what to do with it, instead of enjoying your life.

Benjamin Franklin once said that when you fulfill half of your wishes, then you double your trouble. And good example of that might be Bill Gates. He is getting divorced now, and he is hiding out somewhere away from the public. There are all kinds of stories about him circulating in the media now. Some people say that he pursued hot women in his Microsoft company and outside too. And he got to bang a lot of hot women. But his pleasure and happiness was only temporary. And now he probably isn't so happy, despite still being rich.

Money is power and opportunity to do things and fulfill your wishes. But not everything you desire to do is good for you in the long term. Quite often things that are pleasant and good in the short-term are the things that hurt you in the long term and make your life less than pleasant.

So, banging a lot of hot women might be the thing to do in the short-term, when you are a billionaire. But you will need either to stay single and lonely in terms of companionship, or else get into all kinds of relationship troubles as a result of you cheating on your main partner. Either way, you aren't going to be entirely happy. And it's like this with many other choices, when you are rich. That's why rich people aren't necessarily happy people.

You are right.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby bustylady » Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:10 pm

For every bright day, there's a dark night.
You can have your sluts or you can have your love...
you can't have it both ways. Always choose wisely...

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:26 pm

Why do you exude creepiness in everything you say and do here?

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby paulyshoresituation » Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:57 am

If you had this type of money, well even a quarter of that... that is already ultra rich.

I got to wonder... would any guys here go and try to meet escorts or retired pornstars or things like that? Such as imagine your favorite pornstar of all time is retired... im sure with that kind of money, you pretty much could get any connection you want?

Imagine like your favorite pornstar of all time was lucy lee or someone else but they are no longer in porn. Then you offer them like a quarter million dollars to spend a day or week etc to meet them. Would you say unless an ex porn girl is already married to a rich guy, then most likely they would do it? I dont know about you guys but if i was ultra wealthy, i would want to get in contact with my favorite pornstars of all time.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby 101mike101 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:28 am

bustylady wrote:For every bright day, there's a dark night.
You can have your sluts or you can have your love...
you can't have it both ways. Always choose wisely...

I've met a number of so-called sluts, and I got to know some of them relatively well. They were ordinary people, who had some pretty good social skills and were relatively easy to make friends with and get along with.

And the thing about being a slut or a stud is that it's often just a phase in one's life. Many of the so-called sluts eventually leave their business, get married and have kids and live a pretty normal life. And many of these sluts already have a child or two whom they are trying to support and take care of.

When you want to be a stud, the way Bill Gates reportedly was, then I recommend having a long-term relationship with a slut. Because such people are more compatible than anybody else, and they usually get along well too. I've seen this with my own eyes among some people I used to know.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby bustylady » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:47 pm

When you are in a relationship, you should be faithful, that's what I meant...

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby bustylady » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:50 pm

And what is sex without love..?

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby bustylady » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:55 pm

Only a few know what true love(unconditional) is...

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:53 pm

101mike101 wrote:When you want to be a stud, the way Bill Gates reportedly was

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Pineapples Studio » Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:43 pm

bustylady wrote:And what is sex without love..?

Maybe I was too harsh before when I said you exude creepiness, but comments like these (on a porn forum, no less) kind of feel like you’re putting other users down just for being here. You have entire thread about how anyone who thinks they are good never actually says it, yet it seems you are very quick to criticize others. What is that, if not grandstanding?

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby drevokocur66 » Wed Jun 30, 2021 2:55 am

bustylady wrote:Only a few know what true love(unconditional) is...

They do :)
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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby bustylady » Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:52 am

Sure, they do, but most of us can't...

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby Paul9080 » Fri Jul 08, 2022 5:32 pm

Watch more films on an Oled TV. :)

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby xxxVIPERxxx » Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:46 am

If you were to ask me that question right now, divorce my current wife. That is 50% of the money gone...

Pay any outstanding debts.

Then the same as everyone else, buy a good house, a decent car, get some clothes/shoes with outright cash (without mortgage, loans, credit etc), that would only cost a fraction of 1%.

The rest would actually be philanthropy, and diversified investing for the future in terms of stocks, shares, funds, property portfolio etc.

I would of course, never forget PB/LPAV...and they would get a 7 figure donation (1 million USD).

And, being very cautious - I would naturally keep a decent amount of cash. Cash is king, especially as another global financial crisis is about to begin.

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Re: What will you do if you were a billionaire?

Postby paulyshoresituation » Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:31 am

if you had that much money, you could pretty much meet up any porn star or ex pornstar right? example let say you wanted to meet retired pornstar like lucy lee or say jane darling. However, i believe i read a while back jane darling no longer wants any contact with her old fellow pornstars and she married a rich old guy years ago.

So i would assume that would not be possible with someone like jane darling since well she is already with a rich guy? Now imagine you offer her 50k usd just for a meet up like lunch or dinner to just ask her questions. That i assume almost any ex pornstar would do and any current pornstar would do? Now what about to have sex with her? Got to assume... if it was a ridiculous amount, even she won't turn it down? Say 500k usd?

Now does that mean if lucy lee was offered 500k for sex with her from a rich guy, they will most likely accept? Now if they are married or married with kids, how does that change? Now if they are doing well but not rich, would they still accept?


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