Looking for a post

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Looking for a post

Postby milestone » Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:53 pm

Hi, I have a strange question but I'm looking for a post which was send by some user in the forum, not only offtopic. Maybe someone stumbled upon it.
The post was divided to 3 segments, and describing how porn is being made and what gives it a points in the eyes of an user and industry. Maybe it was even a post in some thread where poeple were discussing downsides of porn nowadays.
For example when there is anal it's a point, and when it's dap it's better but when it's gangbang it's best etc. and gradually mentioned with every aspect of it. Also, the more hot women is and more things is done to her it's "better". Something how porn changed maybe. It was accurate and informative, and i'd like to read it again.
Would be thankful if someone would be able to find it.

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