IGNORE drb111 and his stupid threads about Bulgarian models

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IGNORE drb111 and his stupid threads about Bulgarian models

Postby Caveman39 » Wed May 06, 2020 3:40 pm

(user: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1754674),

STOP spamming this forum with all these useless threads of YOUR favorite Bulgarian Instagram (fitness) models, who will NEVER reply to Joachim as they will NEVER consider doing porn:


(I think all these threads should be deleted as they connect normal "civilians" to porn through Google search because of this clown).

What's next?
Are you gonna post half of the fitness & fashion models from Bulgaria now, for fuck's sake?

Aside from one model (Sylvia, who has done 1 scene, viewtopic.php?f=115&t=25810), you have ZERO proof that all these models are even interested to shoot pornography.

That's only the WISH of your right hand!

All the threads of this guy are a waste of bandwith and a waste of time for Joachim and should be deleted as they are spam and clutter the forum.

STOP waisting Joachim's time and post PROOF that these NORMAL MODELS are even interested in pornography, when opening all these fucking threads.

Is he your fucking DOG? You mentioning some regular girl you masturbate and have fantasies over, and he then contacting all these girls, NOT KNOWING that NONE will reply him back because NONE will have any interest in porn whatsoever?!

Joachim, don't waist your breath contacting all these girls that this clown suggests.They are "normal" models and don't need porn money. It's only his WISH.

Just like it is MY WISH to see all Victoria's Secret models in your scenes, yet you don't see me opening a thead of all these fashion & fitness models, suggesting you should contact them to ask if they are interested in shooting porn for you!

I think he will next open threads of all miss Bulgaria contestants LOL.

Better to concentrate on contacting girls for whom there is proof that they are or could be interested in porn, or who have done (amateur or cam) porn in the past and/or are known (part-time) hookers.

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Re: IGNORE drb111 and his stupid threads about Bulgarian models

Postby joachim-kessef » Thu May 07, 2020 9:54 pm

Thanks so much

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