I didn't say that to "destroy his popularity"...Bad extrapolation.
Of course, I think he can be considered as one of the best peerfomers in Europe ever seen, but not for what he does nowadays, rather for what he did in the past...
THIS is like "night and day". The question of age is HUMAN, that's simple...
And I don't even wanna talk about the other male performers... 0% of real castings for the last 10 years, and if there is now, around the world, 5 guys who could be compared to him, that's all. And that is the MAIN problem of porn industry in my opinion.
NB : What would you say to a guy saying "C.Ronaldo is just 62yo (ok, a bit less than 62, they stop before that in this sport). He scores half of what he did some years ago. He is too old for that..."