Please make sure ur male actors know it's not about them

Scenes from various directors.
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Please make sure ur male actors know it's not about them

Postby AZ4Z3L » Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:10 pm

I've just watched the latest Tina Key vid SZ2134
and came across the most annoying, destructive, fun ruiner male actor I've ever seen in Legalporno ever.

This guy just ruined almost every single scene, shoving his face there, making sure we see him. why the hell would I want to see this?
how can I jerk off when the guy making eye contact and shoving his head to every close up?
it's like watching a hollywood movie with the sound guy always popping up in the shot.
I'm really amazed at whoever shot, directed, edited it for making such a rookie mistake.

Maybe this appeal to bisexual viewers, but I just couldn't enjoy the scene at all.

It's like porn 101 for gangbangs - never stand behind the female actress, always stay away from the shot

I'm talking about this egg head ruining the whole vid :






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Re: Please make sure ur male actors know it's not about them

Postby drevokocur66 » Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:41 pm

A lesbian lover/dominatrix would have worked better, but a fantastic scene none the less.
Everyone appreciates your honesty, until you're honest with them, then you're an asshole.

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