dangerousFart wrote:hyapet wrote:They will pay a girl thousands of dollars to simply acknowledge their existence.
Stupid Western cucks fucked up even here

And now they're trying to export their plague to Eastern Europe. That's what you get when your culture revolves around putting Vagina on a pedestal. Treat women as regular human begins, for Christ's sake, not as fucking goddesses! Having a different set of organs doesn't make them super humans.
It goes a lot deeper than this.
The people who are OF simps have a lifetime of conditioning behind them that they don't even recognize as such. They have, as men, been belittled and talked down to from their entrance into school, taught that they are seen as violent creeps regardless of what
they themselves have actually done, and have proceeded to witness everyone glorify women for everything from employment to favor in the court room to an entire media conglomeration that tells them they are better than everyone else.
It is hard to, as a man, not internalize this. It's also hard to make peace with the fact that, pretty much, no girl is ever going to pay attention to them ever again. If they ever even have.
Social media, and in particular, dating apps, have made all girls believe they are due the handsome, 6'2, six-digit earning, muscle-bound man. All guys who earn a really good wage, but aren't that attractive? No go. Under 5'10? Not happening. And on and on it goes.
Some men can face such circumstances - hit the gym - get disciplined - and go out into the World and make something of themselves. They probably won't find a girl, but they'll go out and still try and make something of themselves.
Those who aren't that strong-willed, or just have taken a few bad turns in life regardless, become the men you see paying the OF girls. They're essentially making themselves an official sub to someone they've never even met yet, so rigorous the steamrolling of who they just are has been.
This is not a problem facing a few men in the West, but gigantic portions of the population. So much so that they end up feeding the misandrist machine that teaches girls that men like them are pigs, but ... to empower themselves by taking their money for essentially
nothing.Porn was by no means a good deal - just as masturbation isn't either. But those are still straight-forward transactions, whereas this new OF beast is ...
Insanely complex. Taking almost every single one of the weak spots that have been driven into men and then creating a web out of them that entraps them forever in a cycle of self-hatred and Stockholm syndrome.
Porn was an addiction.
OF Is more than that. It's the intrinsic piece of the puzzle that allows a man to become the worst version of himself imaginable - and then keeps him there forever.
Quitting porn is like quitting drinking. Really tough - but not impossible.
Quitting OF is like quitting crack. Even if you manage to stop - it's already dismantled a portion of your soul.
Put another way ...
Ever heard of anyone quitting their crack addition by having a glass of wine at night?