finally finding the time to watch this one tonight, i have to say Ana is absolutely stunning and - for a debut - she delivers a confident and passionate performance in this one
i remember when it first came around i was struck by Ana's beauty, so i bought it purely to be able to spend more time in her virtual company. Ana has such a strong, imperious and commanding profile. a warrior leader look, with the top of the forehead to the tip of the nose almost forming a straight line.
it's a distinct classical profile that for millennia has been recognised as symbolising strength and authority (think Athena of ancient greece, aka minerva in roman mythology). you see that same profile on the statue of liberty, and on statues of justice outside law courts. it's a timeless image of powerful femininty and Ana has it
however i ended up delaying watching it because it was released during the incredible deluge of scenes released by new models at Natasha's studio at the start of the year (in the first three weeks there were two Dulce Miller scenes, two Vale Cortez scenes, and an Abby Evans debut scene - the best start to a new porn year i can remember). and i think i also delayed because it wasn't heels on throughout, and being a heel fetishist, catching up with all the heels on throught scenes got prioritised
there's always something special about a debut scene to me, the way in which models choose to make their first impressions. some models are nervous, some are confident. some try too hard to impress and others less so. some models understand they are performing to camera and position themselves appropriately from the start, and others are flailing around and have to be posed like a doll until they grasp the idea. every model is different and every model is interesting in the way they approach the challenge and overcome it
considering Ana compared to Natasha's other 2025 debut models, i would say she stands up well. not as immediately confident as Dulce (her smouldering elegance and energy) or Abby (who is all wide-eyed excitment and desire to play, in-your-face and bouncing around like a kitten). but she has a dark sultry intensity and strength about her, in her face (as mentioned above, her body (deeply bronzed and muscular, as the most gorgeous Venezeulan models always are) and the way she holds herself and moves around. she has a more imposing presence somehow (the Athena thing again)
anyway, if you haven't bought it yet you should seriously consider it. and with three weeks having passed since her debut i now find myself hoping Natasha won't keep us waiting too much longer for her follow up
Ana is here, and so you should be too