Facials every time for me too. I think the cumshot is the hardest thing to get right in porn - it seems easy on paper but so few (maybe 1 in 20?) is ever genuinely explosive or great, which I totally understand as even with the best studs you can't just produce a great one off the peg.
What I hate though is when guys seem to deliberately mess up the cumshot by either getting their dick so close to a girl's face that the camera isn't going to capture anything if it is a strong shot or alternatively aiming their dick across a girls face (rather than directly at it) so that the cum is always going to miss. That's really infuriating.
Basically get the dick a nice distance from the face (and a little above) anticipating a strong shot and if it isn't (which is totally fine) then move your dick towards the face during the cumshot. Directors should really be fining guys who don't get those basics right I think.