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Unreleased scenes

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:48 pm
by 2017sucks
Its almost GIO267x batch to be opened and still lot of old numbers unreleased. Wondering if those scenes ever gonna see light of the day? This just brings back bad Gonzo memories, with scenes keeping, the dust for months and years.

GIO2327, 2344, 2456, 2459, 2460, 2461, 2483.

Re: Unreleased scenes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 1:14 pm
by dap-addict
Important tracking gems thread, thanks! :)
I'm a bit pessimistic since GIO scene numbers are not any longer given according to shooting timeline, but planned release timeline.
Thus the 245. batch is long past for instance.