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Inaccuracies in Scene Length (via Screenshots)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:39 pm
by g1ndude
So while I don't necessarily understand the reason behind putting several minutes of screenshots of the scene at the end of the scene, I didn't really have much of a reason to dislike the practice until I noticed a lot of the scenes are saying they are however many minutes long in the description and at the end of the trailer but are in fact several minutes shorter because of said screenshots.

Now a lot of the scenes at least say what the actual length is at the end of the trailer, but for whatever reason some just say the length of the scene and the screenshots combined; for instance the Moona Snake Poker Lady scene.

Personally I use this information to see how much "wet" content there is in relation to the length of the "dry" version but I believe it's an inconvenience for a lot of people for a lot of reasons.

TL;DR If you're going to put these screenshots at the end of the scenes (which I don't understand) you should be consistent in saying how long the scene actually is

Screen Shot 2022-09-25 at 4.37.47 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-25 at 4.37.20 PM.png

Re: Inaccuracies in Scene Length (via Screenshots)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:49 am
by number1s
g1ndude wrote:Personally I use this information to see how much "wet" content there is in relation to the length of the "dry" version but I believe it's an inconvenience for a lot of people for a lot of reasons.

Presumably there are more screenshots included on the wet version? So it would obscure the amount of wet content included. As you say, best practice is to show the actual length on the trailer for each version, omitting time taken to show screenshots.

Re: Inaccuracies in Scene Length (via Screenshots)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:41 am
by g1ndude

New Sweetie Plum Hostel scene description says 65 minutes, trailer says 68 minutes?? Dry version, both say 62??

This is just piling on top of itself now