Possible piracy on PornBox
Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:24 pm
by hjohjole
I just wanted to give a heads up. Today there was two old GG scenes released under the "studio" Club Anissa Kate.
https://pornbox.com/application/watch-page/71227https://pornbox.com/application/watch-page/133794I very much doubt that whoever is behind this studio owns the rights to this material.
Re: Possible piracy on PornBox
Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:50 pm
by hjohjole
Even more today.
https://pornbox.com/application/watch-page/125125https://pornbox.com/application/watch-page/169194https://pornbox.com/application/watch-page/181302Currently being sold for 5-6 tickets.
The scenes are originally released as "GG Exclusive"
https://pornbox.com/application/studio/26And still available there for a lot cheaper.
I can only assume that Giorgio is the rightful owner to this material. Right?
Re: Possible piracy on PornBox
Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:36 pm
by annmsklr5
I noticed that too, "Club Anissa Kate" sounds suspicious.
BTW IIRC, didn't Giorgio sell those including rights to redistribute? These scenes appear all over the place on various websites or even DVDs.
Re: Possible piracy on PornBox
Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:58 pm
by hjohjole
Even so if that is the case, it is just extremely unprofessional to have the scenes sold in second hand on the same platform as the original ones. And at a ridiculous overprice no less.
Its a waste of digital space if nothing else. And it contributes to the already unbearable clutter that are the daily updates.
Then you go to the model profile of the girls in the scene and you see the same scene twice! And that is only if thees "studios" added the correct model tag witch is typically not the case.
Where does it end? What if more people that owns the rights to the scenes decides to start a "studio"? Are we going to have like 10 copies of every GG classic scene?
Re: Possible piracy on PornBox
Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:28 pm
by annmsklr5
Yeah, true, but TBH nothing surprises me here anymore.
They were like for 1-2 TKTs back in circa 2015.