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About Russian rough castings.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:33 pm
by etselcuk
Please take into consideration that we need naked feet exactly. First Mr. Anderson castings were awesome, but you put cameraman who zooms too much on the scenes. Mr. Anderson & Elley and Mr.Anderson Alita angel scenes include that what we want. we need facedown sunbathing position with naked feet ,adjacent legs . Please be inspired by these two scenes.

Re: About Russian rough castings.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:30 am
by Starrio
I don't care about bare feet, I actually like open heals more, but prone bone positions are the best. It should be standard for all videos, and make it last.

I see all these videos with great potential from other studios, with Freddy Gong, but if they don't last 40 minutes at least it is hard to make you buy them.

I also don't like videos with toys, just fuck the girls. It is a waste of time.