Why aren't the piss drinking scenes available in the US?

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Why aren't the piss drinking scenes available in the US?

Postby craig2398 » Sun May 05, 2019 1:56 pm

Why aren't the piss drinking scenes available in the US? I can view them when outside the United States but can't download or purchase them when in the US.

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Re: Why aren't the piss drinking scenes available in the US?

Postby jaxsonm75 » Sun May 05, 2019 6:33 pm

they're not allowed in the US because from what i hear the credit card companies dont support that kind of porn so it will stop providing service for lp. Im in the us too it sucks :(

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Re: Why aren't the piss drinking scenes available in the US?

Postby teammelee15 » Sun May 05, 2019 9:23 pm

It's actually not just the USA. Its A LOT of countries....

Only countries that DONT make it unavailable is France, Canada, Mexico and a few others.....

Use VPN.

What I do is I look on the forums everyday under the Model section to see if their is a piss version of the videos released.

If their is I change location usually to France. Watch the piss version of the trailer.

If I I like it I add it to pornbox.

Logout of VPN then purchase it and DL it.

It's a B#tch to do everyday...But at least we get piss porn...So cant complain to much...
GG supporter in the LS living the DAP irl :) Kik-Danlee15

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Re: Why aren't the piss drinking scenes available in the US?

Postby shark1 » Sun May 12, 2019 1:24 am

^ same here, I also have to use VPN and connect to germany.

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