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Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:39 am
by dap-addict
Just realized watching the great comeback of Timea Bella that GIOs central sofa is a bit shabby and quite torn a bit. Now give what trait users get in gio896 the fellowing is sure a minor concern, but than actually for the queen being back presenting a sofa in such a state isn't best PR maybe. Now I can imagine that Andrey was just too occupied trying to best copy GIO style working for him past few days and Giorgio was always in a rush visiting studio and had sure also other more important concerns, still that sofa starts looking a bit old. :( ;)
Maybe also a few stitches back are sufficient?
:confused: :(

Anyway, here is the sofa with Timea: :)
timea sofa2.png
If Timea tore it that was worth the investment... (GIO896)

timea sofa4.png
...but probably those tears are old anyway. See near Timea's gape! (GIO896)

Re: Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:14 am
by Wotan29
Those everrecurring white sofas always look shabby and cheap. Get rid of them anyway.

The same applies to the ugly pictures on the wall, the stupid plant and the "i love you" lettering.

Be creative and think about some new studio decoration and fuck places.

Re: Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:13 pm
by error01x
Yeah Sofa need to be clear color because of the contrast of the scene. But yes I would renew it more often.

Re: Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:17 am
by dap-addict
Looks like that sofa started to tear about here:

Thus 150 scenes back, 3-4 months.
If Giorgio has to buy a new sofa 3 times a year these shootings are gonna be expensive! :( ;)

This said they have to fuck the girl hard of course, and some of them will always cling to the sofa to counter-balance those thrusts!

Re: Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:28 am
by Angel Eyes
Didn't Gio already lose one sofa a few months ago to Kira Roller? :eek:

Mass quantities of lube. Now new furniture. :rolleyes:

The expenses never end. ;) :D

Seriously though, the current sofa is a bio hazard and needs replacing.

Re: Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:32 am
by Angel Eyes

Re: Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:21 am
by voldemf
I think that such trifles do not matter

Re: Does GIO need to buy a new sofa?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:00 am
by Wotan29
dap-addict wrote:If Giorgio has to buy a new sofa 3 times a year these shootings are gonna be expensive!

All those sofas seem to be cheap goods out of a stock sale. Sorry if I´m wrong, but at least they look like this... Apart from that I suppose very strong, the sofas are not one of the biggest cost factors calculated on the year.

Unfortunately, Giorgio does not put much emphasis on studio decoration and a pleasant ambience anyway. As already mentioned: The same pictures on the wall, the same plant in the background etc. (not to forget the recurring same paravent in the background). In combination with the cold tiled floor (which of course you can not change), the models sometimes have to feel like in a train station hall. I know, if you shoot all the scenes in the same room aka studio, then the possibilities for variety are limited ... nevertheless with a little more effort and with a little more fantasy you could create a more stylish feel-good atmosphere. Not only for the models to work, but also for us to look at. Presentation matters - or as it is said: "You eat with your eyes, too".